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"Colloidal Silver" 已經在無數的應用中使用了超過115年,並且包含各種各樣的銀製品。許多產品含有鹽、蛋白質、化合物或穩定劑 - 所有這些都影響銀的安全性(從身體去除)和功效。




肺: 霧化生物活性銀膠,有助治療氣管炎,肺炎及哮喘。

眼睛: 生物活性銀膠噴在眼睛,不會刺激眼睛,具有消炎殺菌作用。

皮膚: 生物活性銀膠可直接噴在傷口,皮膚患處,能消毒及保護傷口。

耳: 生物活性銀膠可直接噴入耳,具有消炎殺菌作用。

感染: 生物活性銀膠是天然抗生素,能消炎殺菌,殺滅真菌。是天然防護的好幫手。

生物活性銀膠噴液 10ppm 30毫升

  • 99.999% 纯銀及醫藥級純化水(USP-NF)。

  • Only silver that is postively charged is of use to the body. Most colloidal silvers contain only 10% of charged silver.
    Holistc Paw's Silver contains >98% positively charged silver ions and silver nanoclusters, making it much more powerful, safer*, and a better value than other brands.

    Like an hourglass filled with sand compared to an hourglass filed with gravel, the smaller the particle size, the easier it is for the body to absorb and eliminate. Holistc Paw's Silver features an unprecendented particle size as small as 0.8 nanometers

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