Omnium1 Complete Combo
- Omnium1 Kit
- OmniMat
- OmniPad
- OmniSpot
- OmniBrain
- D/A Converter
- iMRS one Android software
Omnium1 2.0
用西方飲食的人大多數都患有紅血球細胞粘在一起的微细血凝塊(左圖上), 導致血液循環阻塞,緩慢和O2飽和度低. 這可導致疲勞,疼痛和其他症狀。此外,帶有微小凝塊的停滯血液容易發展成大塊凝塊而導致85%缺血性中風,心髒病發作和其他嚴重疾病,而低氧O2組織會削弱健康並迫使正常細胞使用糖代替 O2而变成癌細胞!
Omnium是iMRS(智能磁共振刺激)的家用版本,它使用電流通過金屬線圈產生PEMF, 以分離RBC,擴張毛細血管和O2飽和來誘導電磁場改善微循環。此外,不同的電波形可以減輕疼痛, 緊張, 壓力, 失眠等. 將各種波形結合到電流中是PEMF治療的基礎。PEMF治療解決微血栓會禦防大血栓和中風,心髒病發作等,同時增加組織的O2輸送可預防退化行性疾病,如老人癡呆和癌症,因為癌細胞將使用O2而恢復回正常細胞!退化性疾病,特別是阿爾茨海默氏症,癌症和心髒病的驚人增加是血液循環不良和低O2的直接結果。每日使用PEMF療法是預防這些可怕疾病最有效的方法。
OmniMatTriple-fold, 6 built in, non-insulated, solid copper coils in 3 segments, Triple saw-tooth wave impulse and magnetic field strength max. 45 micro Tesla, increasing amount of windings from top to bottom.
Single-fold, 2 built in, non-insulated, solid copper coils, same amount of windings, square wave impulse, magnetic field strength max. 70 micro Tesla, flexible fixing belt with adjustable extension for a simple and effective local application.
2 single segments connected with a flexible belt. 2 built in, non-insulated, solid copper coils, same amount of windings, square wave impulse, magnetic field strength max. 120 micro Tesla, Helmholtz-effect (=homogenous magnetic field) due to the opposite arrangement of the coils during the application. Fixing belt for an easy and effective, punctual application.